
Improve patient communication and provide informative healthcare services

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Integrations available
Appointment Reminders: Send appointment reminders to patients. This can help reduce missed appointments and improve patient attendance rates.
Patient Monitoring: Monitor patients are recovering at home. Patients can send regular updates to the hospital through WhatsApp, allowing healthcare professionals to monitor their progress and provide guidance and support.
Test Results: Send test results to patients for quick and convenient access to their test results.
Telemedicine: Provide telemedicine services to patients. Patients can connect for remote consultations, virtual check-ups etc.
Patient Education: Provide patients with educational materials on various health topics. 
Waitlist Management: Manage waitlists for appointments. Patients can be added to the waitlist through WhatsApp as per availability. 
Patient Feedback: Collect patient feedback on their appointment experience. Identify areas for improvement and provide better patient care.